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Esperanza Blog
Guarding Our Speech: Choosing Words That Honor God
While the Mayo Clinic reports that five to ten percent of people have an actual speech disorder, I estimate that over 50% struggle with speech control and might consider using a mouth guard, as Proverbs 21:23 suggests. Words hold immense power; God used them to create everything, speaking the universe into existence. As bearers of His image, our words carry that same power, capable of building up or tearing down. I often remember this at family dinners when a single comment slips from my lips, robbing the table of joy and laughter and quickly replacing it with solemn silence of hurt souls. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us "death and life are in the power of the tongue." So how can we take control of what we say? How do we choose to speak life?
Are We a Generation Forgetting the Lord?
History shapes our thinking, perception, and understanding. The stories of our grandparents’ triumphs and trials influence our values and self-worth. Whether we are descendants of slaves or related to royalty affects how we interact with the world and how we expect it to respond to us. It is His story—and its vividness in our hearts—that determines whether we are guided by His Word, or led astray by false gods.
The Promise of a New Relationship
Have you ever reached a point in a relationship where starting over felt like the only way to restore it? Sometimes, a fresh beginning turns things around and brings healthier results. Similarly, throughout history, God has sought to renew His relationship with us.
Life lessons arising from death
Imagine experiencing 87 funerals per day for over 35 years. For those who experienced tragic days in human history, such as September 11th, October 7th, or the Holocaust, the etched frame of reference of pain and grief lives within our hearts. How did we live on? How did we cope? Much like the Old Testament times, many like Moses, the man of God, chose prayer to find life lessons arise from death.
Why do you love God?
Why do you love God and desire to follow His commands? As the world grows more accepting of all behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles, why do you continue to follow God’s Word and rules? God foresaw the need for the answer to this question. God knew the answer would sustain the inquired and challenge the inquirer.
Bible Study Resources
Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.